Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Letter 4: Noah

Alright back to back posts, here we go!

Welcome back everyone! If you're still reading this, thank you for sticking by me. As you can tell, the posts are being put out faster than usual since I'm running out of time. Maybe because of my personality and my ability to use a computer you might forget that I'm a fruit fly and that my days are counted. I am getting older in fly years so I only have about a week left. That's assuming of course that I don't get swatted before that! Hopefully I get to to address everyone in this family and after this one, Jay and Lara are the last ones.

Noah, Noah Noah. Where can I start with him? Happy, still lives with his parents (no shame in that, I still do. Well, my mom), tall, good looking, stylish, can get any boy or girl he wants, smart and is athletic. He seems like the perfect guy with all the confidence he carries with him, but sadly I've caught him a couple of times crying by himself. The first time I caught him, I thought he was dealing with a breakup and was going to get over it like young humans do. Then one night, while I was in the bathroom (not actually using it since I can go anywhere), Noah walked in. He stared in the mirror for a few seconds and started silently, uncontrollably crying. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to comfort him but he would probably try to hit me and end up just bother him. A few minutes later, he went to his bedroom and locked the door. I stood on the door and can hear him crying for hours until he fell silent. I'm guessing he cried himself to sleep.

The next day while he was in school, all I can think about was his fragile stare in the mirror seconds before he bawled his eyes out. In my 36 days of life, I have never seen such sadness in someones eyes. Not even Jay's while Maria's friend/lover was in the house. It's like he hated who was staring back at him.

That afternoon, he came home and went straight to sleep. He had only been in class for a few hours so it was strange that he was that exhausted. He later woke up and just like the previous night, he cried for hours. Seeing him like that broke my tiny heart. I was going to get to the bottom of it.

The morning after, when everyone had left for work and school, I went on the computer and was determined to find some kind of explanation on what was going on with Noah. I combed through my (very impressive) fly mind and realized that Noah's symptoms had been going on since I can remember. I Googled his symptoms and one definition kept popping up but I refused to accept it since Noah is so happy and vibrant around people. The internet said it was "depression" and for once I think it was right.

Now, I can't read his mind so I can't say he fulfills the symptoms of feeling anything but all the physical symptoms, he had. My worst fear is that he has the last symptoms. Lara might be the one I relate to the most, but Noah is a special guy that doesn't deserve this.

I don't know much about this subject but hopefully anybody who reads this, and think they might have depression or thoughts of suicide, I encourage you to seek help. Below I will list free hotlines that you can contact if you would like

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): 1-800-662-HELP (4357) SAMHSA’s behavioral health treatment services locator is an easy and anonymous way to locate treatment facilities and other resources, such as support groups and counselors, to treat and manage depression

National Hopeline Network: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) If your depression is leading to suicidal thoughts, call the National Hopeline to connect with a depression treatment center in your area. The Hopeline also offers a live chat feature for those who don’t want to (or are unable to) call and can dispatch emergency crews to your location if necessary

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) This national hotline is another valuable resource for people whose depression has escalated to suicidal or other harmful thoughts. Their network of crisis centers provide emotional support and guidance to people in distress and are also available via a chat service and a special hotline number for the hearing impaired: 1-800-799-4889

National Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-800-448-4663 This resource provides brief interventions for youth who are dealing with pregnancy, sexual abuse, child abuse, depression and suicidal thoughts. They also provide referrals to local counseling, treatment centers, and shelters.

The very best

Letter 3: Sofia

Hi everyone!

So good to hear your feedback on what’s going on here! Interesting enough, the puzzle of the castle that Lara was making last week is a real castle and the actual princess that lives there commented on my last post! Princess Mirabella actually has a theory that Maria’s friend is actually a lover and Jay is trying to keep it a secret from their kids. That makes a lot of sense so I’m going with that for now. It must be really tough on Jay knowing that the love of his life does not feel the same way about him.

I think since Maria and Jay are trying to keep everything quiet, I don’t have any new information on them. All they’ve been doing is pretending to be overly happy and connected when in reality I feel like Jay can snap at any moment. I mean, I saw the pain in his eyes seeing Maria with her friend/lover. I wonder how much more he can take. Who knows how long this has been going on? I’ve only been here for a couple of weeks and I can see how much of a toll this is taking on him.

Although, I can’t say the same about Sofia. I don’t want to make assumptions but she might be doing something with drugs. Well, not drugs drugs but... let me explain. The other day she stayed home because she was "sick" and I was bored so I went to go check in on her. When I flew into her room, there was a pleasant smell. She was on the phone with her friend laughing about how she was tricking the younger kids at her school into buying oregano and telling them it was weed. Don't make fun of me but I had to look up what both of these were. Oregano is a spice and weed is a plant that can be used as a drug. Apparently you can also cook with weed but that is beside the point. The two are early similar but I can see how the kids can be tricked. I mean, can you tell which one is weed? 
(the answer is the second one if the last row)

It is really mean of her to be doing this to them and makes me also wonder where she's getting it from since she has so much of it and she's underage. She did almost get caught by Maria when she got home early from work and went to go check in on the "sick" Sophia.

Well, that's all I have for you guys for now. Just a quick update on this uneventful week. Let me know how many tries it took you to guess which one was the weed in the comments down below.

See ya

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Letter 2: Maria

So, it has been about eight days since I was last on here, and BOY do have things been weird. I don’t know anything for sure but that’s what you guys are here for. I'm going to tell you guys EVERYTHING I’ve seen and you guys can leave comments below on theories you guys have of what’s going on here. Maybe we can piece everything together. Like a puzzle! I love watching Lara do those, the total of once that she’s done them since I’ve been alive. Did I mention she’s 15? Yeah. Not really human over here but I’m guessing most 15 year old humans don’t stay in and do puzzles of castles.

It all started at the end of last week when, yup you guessed it, I was watching Lara make the puzzle while I was munching on an apple. I heard Jay yelling at Maria in the living room so  I zoomed out of Lara’s room and flew downstairs to see what the big fuss was about. Oh! Now I know the mom’s name is Maria because he was yelling it out REALLY loud. He was begging her not to go out as she was grabbing her purse. It went a little like this

Jay: Please don’t do this again! If you keep doing this people and especially the kids are going to find out!
Maria: Oh please! Stop overreacting. I’m just going out for a little fun.
Jay: I know what a little fun means to you!
Maria: What does it mean then?!
Jay: It means you get really drunk and either you don’t come home, I have to pick you up somewhere far, or, the one I hate, you come home with your friend!
Maria: Oh my god, Jay. Do not bring up her up and keep your voice down
Jay: What you're scared the kids will hear all this?

That’s when Maria gave Jay a nasty look, walked to the front door and slammed the door shut. Jay looked as if he was so upset that all he could do is keep it all in. Why do you guys think Jay doesn’t go out with her? Also, who’s her friend? Aren’t friends supposed to be good things? Also, does he not like her going out because of her age?

A few minutes later Jay turned off the house lights so I couldn’t get back to Lara’s room since I can’t see at all in the dark. I was able to make it to the front door an hour later when Noah and Sofia came home and turned on some lights quickly.

I started dozing off late at night when all of a sudden I was woken up by loud laughter and yelling outside. Suddenly I was flung into the air when Maria swung the door open. Don’t worry, I was OK but it definitely woke me up. Right behind her was her friend who was equally as drunk. It’s crazy what alcohol can do to you. I would try it when Jay leaves a glass out but I don’t want end up like my dad or waste my time on it when I have 35 days to live!
Anyway, a few moments later, Jay came running down.

Jay: Go to sleep NOW!
Maria: You can’t tell me what to do and stop yelling at me in front of my friend!
Friend: Hi!
Jay: She can sleep in the guest room but make sure the kids don’t see her!
Maria: Why not? It’s about time they knew about her!
Jay: You're drunk, go to bed.

The three of them went upstairs and before they turned the lights off, I quietly flew right behind them. I stood right outside the guest room while Maria helped her friend get settled in and when she came outside she had a different look in her eyes. They were all wet and she looked really sad. I wonder why. She stood there for a moment looking devastated at the closed door.  After she went into her room with Jay, I was expecting more yelling but it was just quiet all night.

The rest of the week seemed to go as usual. As far as I heard or saw, Jay and Maria pretended that night never happened and the kids never found out that Maria's friend came and went. I just find it strange how much Jay does not like her friend and didn't even look at her once while she was here.

Once again, if you guys can help me put everything together and help me figure out what is going on in this house leave a comment below!


Thursday, September 13, 2018

Letter 1: Phil

Listen, I want to be as transparent with you guys as possible. Just so that you guys don't read this blog and then later on be shocked at the fact that I'm a fruit fly. Yes, I'm a fruit fly and here are some are some answers to questions you have or will have:

What's your name?
Phil. I know. Verrrry original. Phil the fly.

What do you look like?
Here's a picture my mom took of me yesterday!

How are you writing all of this?
Let's not get into the logistics of it all.

How old are you?
I was born 5 days ago because someone left a rotting banana out on the kitchen counter and my parents were attracted to it and ended up deciding that is where they wanted to lay their children.

How are you so smart for a fruit fly?
Not to toot my own horn, but the average fruit fly is pretty darn smart. If I’m thinking this way at 5 days old, can you imagine how smart I'm going to be if I make it 40 or even 50 days?!

Do you want to have kids?
My natural instincts tell me yes, yes and then 300 more yeses, but looking for knowledge is more important to me. So, you’re welcome family whose house I’m living in.

Wow! These questions I am asking myself are getting a little too personal for my comfort. Of course, if you have any more questions, make sure to leave them in the comments below and I might answer them!

My mom said that she saw something special in me on my first day of being hatched, which says a lot since she also had another 213 kids that same day. Maybe it's because my vocabulary is really advanced for being 5 days old... but then again I was able to mate 2 days ago so... we mature pretty quickly. The fly world can be very strange to whoever is reading this. Sorry! Got a little side tracked here. You have to bare with me since I don't have the best memory. Remember, fruit fly here. My mom and I are really close. Perhaps it's because we both avoid humans at all cost and don't try to  befriend them like many of my family does. That's how my dad unfortunately passed away before I hatched. He thought the humans were being kind by leaving out these mixtures of liquids that smelled really good, but in reality it was a trap! He and over 16 of our family members fell for it that day. RIP

At first I started this blog because I was bored and needed some distraction from being in the house the whole day but then I realized that these are the same humans that killed my dad. Now, I'm here to expose their dirty little secrets and drama.

So far I have seen five people come into the house since I hatched. There's the parents, whose names I can't really tell what they are because they only say each others names at night behind closed doors, and obviously kids aren't going to call their parents by their first name. I think the dad's name is Jay, my guess it's short for something. The mom's name is either Merla or Maria. I'll tell you guys once I have their names down. The eldest child, Noah, must be around 21 or 22 (human years) since he's graduating college soon. The middle child, Sofia, is in her senior year of high school so I'm guessing 17 or 18. And the youngest is Lara. She's my favorite. She's 15 and makes fun of everyone else when they’re not making sense. I have that in common with her. Wow do I have the same sense of humor as a 15 year old? Or does she have the same sense of humor as a 5 day old fruit fly?


We.. I mean they.. live in a pretty big house. I also haven’t been in other houses before but my guess is this one is big since I get lost all the time looking for food. Big houses mean big secrets and I’m here to reveal each and every one of them I hear.

Make sure you come back for updates in these, hopefully, next 40-45 days!
