Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Letter 3: Sofia

Hi everyone!

So good to hear your feedback on what’s going on here! Interesting enough, the puzzle of the castle that Lara was making last week is a real castle and the actual princess that lives there commented on my last post! Princess Mirabella actually has a theory that Maria’s friend is actually a lover and Jay is trying to keep it a secret from their kids. That makes a lot of sense so I’m going with that for now. It must be really tough on Jay knowing that the love of his life does not feel the same way about him.

I think since Maria and Jay are trying to keep everything quiet, I don’t have any new information on them. All they’ve been doing is pretending to be overly happy and connected when in reality I feel like Jay can snap at any moment. I mean, I saw the pain in his eyes seeing Maria with her friend/lover. I wonder how much more he can take. Who knows how long this has been going on? I’ve only been here for a couple of weeks and I can see how much of a toll this is taking on him.

Although, I can’t say the same about Sofia. I don’t want to make assumptions but she might be doing something with drugs. Well, not drugs drugs but... let me explain. The other day she stayed home because she was "sick" and I was bored so I went to go check in on her. When I flew into her room, there was a pleasant smell. She was on the phone with her friend laughing about how she was tricking the younger kids at her school into buying oregano and telling them it was weed. Don't make fun of me but I had to look up what both of these were. Oregano is a spice and weed is a plant that can be used as a drug. Apparently you can also cook with weed but that is beside the point. The two are early similar but I can see how the kids can be tricked. I mean, can you tell which one is weed? 
(the answer is the second one if the last row)

It is really mean of her to be doing this to them and makes me also wonder where she's getting it from since she has so much of it and she's underage. She did almost get caught by Maria when she got home early from work and went to go check in on the "sick" Sophia.

Well, that's all I have for you guys for now. Just a quick update on this uneventful week. Let me know how many tries it took you to guess which one was the weed in the comments down below.

See ya

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