Thursday, September 27, 2018

Letter 2: Maria

So, it has been about eight days since I was last on here, and BOY do have things been weird. I don’t know anything for sure but that’s what you guys are here for. I'm going to tell you guys EVERYTHING I’ve seen and you guys can leave comments below on theories you guys have of what’s going on here. Maybe we can piece everything together. Like a puzzle! I love watching Lara do those, the total of once that she’s done them since I’ve been alive. Did I mention she’s 15? Yeah. Not really human over here but I’m guessing most 15 year old humans don’t stay in and do puzzles of castles.

It all started at the end of last week when, yup you guessed it, I was watching Lara make the puzzle while I was munching on an apple. I heard Jay yelling at Maria in the living room so  I zoomed out of Lara’s room and flew downstairs to see what the big fuss was about. Oh! Now I know the mom’s name is Maria because he was yelling it out REALLY loud. He was begging her not to go out as she was grabbing her purse. It went a little like this

Jay: Please don’t do this again! If you keep doing this people and especially the kids are going to find out!
Maria: Oh please! Stop overreacting. I’m just going out for a little fun.
Jay: I know what a little fun means to you!
Maria: What does it mean then?!
Jay: It means you get really drunk and either you don’t come home, I have to pick you up somewhere far, or, the one I hate, you come home with your friend!
Maria: Oh my god, Jay. Do not bring up her up and keep your voice down
Jay: What you're scared the kids will hear all this?

That’s when Maria gave Jay a nasty look, walked to the front door and slammed the door shut. Jay looked as if he was so upset that all he could do is keep it all in. Why do you guys think Jay doesn’t go out with her? Also, who’s her friend? Aren’t friends supposed to be good things? Also, does he not like her going out because of her age?

A few minutes later Jay turned off the house lights so I couldn’t get back to Lara’s room since I can’t see at all in the dark. I was able to make it to the front door an hour later when Noah and Sofia came home and turned on some lights quickly.

I started dozing off late at night when all of a sudden I was woken up by loud laughter and yelling outside. Suddenly I was flung into the air when Maria swung the door open. Don’t worry, I was OK but it definitely woke me up. Right behind her was her friend who was equally as drunk. It’s crazy what alcohol can do to you. I would try it when Jay leaves a glass out but I don’t want end up like my dad or waste my time on it when I have 35 days to live!
Anyway, a few moments later, Jay came running down.

Jay: Go to sleep NOW!
Maria: You can’t tell me what to do and stop yelling at me in front of my friend!
Friend: Hi!
Jay: She can sleep in the guest room but make sure the kids don’t see her!
Maria: Why not? It’s about time they knew about her!
Jay: You're drunk, go to bed.

The three of them went upstairs and before they turned the lights off, I quietly flew right behind them. I stood right outside the guest room while Maria helped her friend get settled in and when she came outside she had a different look in her eyes. They were all wet and she looked really sad. I wonder why. She stood there for a moment looking devastated at the closed door.  After she went into her room with Jay, I was expecting more yelling but it was just quiet all night.

The rest of the week seemed to go as usual. As far as I heard or saw, Jay and Maria pretended that night never happened and the kids never found out that Maria's friend came and went. I just find it strange how much Jay does not like her friend and didn't even look at her once while she was here.

Once again, if you guys can help me put everything together and help me figure out what is going on in this house leave a comment below!


Thursday, September 13, 2018

Letter 1: Phil

Listen, I want to be as transparent with you guys as possible. Just so that you guys don't read this blog and then later on be shocked at the fact that I'm a fruit fly. Yes, I'm a fruit fly and here are some are some answers to questions you have or will have:

What's your name?
Phil. I know. Verrrry original. Phil the fly.

What do you look like?
Here's a picture my mom took of me yesterday!

How are you writing all of this?
Let's not get into the logistics of it all.

How old are you?
I was born 5 days ago because someone left a rotting banana out on the kitchen counter and my parents were attracted to it and ended up deciding that is where they wanted to lay their children.

How are you so smart for a fruit fly?
Not to toot my own horn, but the average fruit fly is pretty darn smart. If I’m thinking this way at 5 days old, can you imagine how smart I'm going to be if I make it 40 or even 50 days?!

Do you want to have kids?
My natural instincts tell me yes, yes and then 300 more yeses, but looking for knowledge is more important to me. So, you’re welcome family whose house I’m living in.

Wow! These questions I am asking myself are getting a little too personal for my comfort. Of course, if you have any more questions, make sure to leave them in the comments below and I might answer them!

My mom said that she saw something special in me on my first day of being hatched, which says a lot since she also had another 213 kids that same day. Maybe it's because my vocabulary is really advanced for being 5 days old... but then again I was able to mate 2 days ago so... we mature pretty quickly. The fly world can be very strange to whoever is reading this. Sorry! Got a little side tracked here. You have to bare with me since I don't have the best memory. Remember, fruit fly here. My mom and I are really close. Perhaps it's because we both avoid humans at all cost and don't try to  befriend them like many of my family does. That's how my dad unfortunately passed away before I hatched. He thought the humans were being kind by leaving out these mixtures of liquids that smelled really good, but in reality it was a trap! He and over 16 of our family members fell for it that day. RIP

At first I started this blog because I was bored and needed some distraction from being in the house the whole day but then I realized that these are the same humans that killed my dad. Now, I'm here to expose their dirty little secrets and drama.

So far I have seen five people come into the house since I hatched. There's the parents, whose names I can't really tell what they are because they only say each others names at night behind closed doors, and obviously kids aren't going to call their parents by their first name. I think the dad's name is Jay, my guess it's short for something. The mom's name is either Merla or Maria. I'll tell you guys once I have their names down. The eldest child, Noah, must be around 21 or 22 (human years) since he's graduating college soon. The middle child, Sofia, is in her senior year of high school so I'm guessing 17 or 18. And the youngest is Lara. She's my favorite. She's 15 and makes fun of everyone else when they’re not making sense. I have that in common with her. Wow do I have the same sense of humor as a 15 year old? Or does she have the same sense of humor as a 5 day old fruit fly?


We.. I mean they.. live in a pretty big house. I also haven’t been in other houses before but my guess is this one is big since I get lost all the time looking for food. Big houses mean big secrets and I’m here to reveal each and every one of them I hear.

Make sure you come back for updates in these, hopefully, next 40-45 days!
